Friday, November 28, 2008

Energy and Belief

I am nothing but energy. My emotions are energy. My body is energy. My thoughts are energy, which when combined with my emotions leads to the development of beliefs and judgements about life which can ultimately move me forward, or keep me from moving at all, affecting me right down to the cells in my body. My thoughts, my emotions and the ensuing beliefs I hold, are creating my life exactly as I experience it. How can I tell if the beliefs I am holding so firmly are serving or confounding me on the ultimate path I want my life to be taking? By examining what is currently occuring in my life, knowing that everything I am experiencing, and my experience itself, is an outcome of my beliefs. In any moment I can ask myself what belief I am holding which is contributing to the undesired experience I am having. Since I am nothing but energy, I am freely able to form a new thought which, imbued with my emotional energy, can form a belief which serves me more effectively.